Being able to express ourselves artistically, as The Harmony People, is our honor, our pleasure, & our calling. We are so grateful to be living in a dream, sharing our music with people like you. Writing, recording, performing and touring, bring us into sacred connection with so many souls and so many places.
As you know we wear all the hats necessary to succeed in this crazy lifestyle, the so-called music industry. And, as most of you know it is not easy to make a sustainable wage as original musicians. We are our own promoters, booking agents, tour planners, publishers. Gary is our tireless recording engineer. All of this takes time, focus, tenacity..and is worth every second, for the joy we derive once we hit that stage, step up to that microphone & sing. The joytears, laughter and gratitude we receive from listeners is better than any paycheck by far! We couldn’t have done any of this without you & countless others supporting us on this journey by inviting us, hosting us, promoting us, through buying our CDs & tickets to come hear us.
If you have experienced pleasure, relaxation, or inspiration from our music, please consider making a donation to keep the tunes coming. Any amount is helpful and deeply appreciated. Mahalo. ;~D
Click here to donate.
The Harmony People